What is Magellan

Magellan is a geographically based next-generation NFT platform. We bring traditional NFT assets a new key attribute, geographical location, increasing their utility and usability, and bringing them into a 2.0 era.

Based on this core attribute, NFT assets can be applied to a wider range of scenarios, expanding from its traditional usages of simple display and trading.

Some simple applications include:

1. Nike using geotags to define its NFT purchasing rights, limiting customers to only people that exercise daily

2. Starbucks combining NFT launches with the locations of offline stores

3. Louis Vuitton releasing limited edition NFTs when launching their Asia flagship in Tokyo

4. Disney creating an NFT treasure hunt in its amusement parks using ultra-precise geolocation technology

Some simple applications include:

1. Nike using geotags to define its NFT purchasing rights, limiting customers to only people that exercise daily

2. Starbucks combining NFT launches with the locations of offline stores

3. Louis Vuitton releasing limited edition NFTs when launching their Asia flagship in Tokyo

4. Disney creating an NFT treasure hunt in its amusement parks using ultra-precise geolocation technology

Along with contributing to the key attributes of NFTs, we will also maintain competitive advantage in the rapidly developing NFT market with the following innovations:

1. One-Stop NFT Solutions

We will provide brands with one-stop NFT solutions, including topics regarding NFT generation, management, and sales. The supply of NFT assets plays a pivotal role in NFT platforms—we hope to provide brands with a holistic solution in quickly creating NFT assets, connecting brands with the crypto world in the most efficient manner.

2. Going Mobile

Our business model builds upon that of mobile platforms. The previous generation of NFT trading platforms are web-based and do not consider the business ecology of going mobile. In particular, policies regarding app store listings and the in-app purchases of blockchain assets have created high purchasing barriers for consumers, causing nine-step NFT purchasing processes on web-based platforms. We plan to fully embrace the Apple and Android ecosystems, creating a more efficient channel to buy NFTs with fiat currency, effectively ridding consumers of the nine-step acquisition process and simplifying it into a one-click purchase.

3. Increasing Accessibility Through Blockchain Mass-Adoption

By making our platform more accessible (in terms of ease of use), we're able to fulfill the growing demands of newcomers in the NFT market. We hope to launch Magellan as a global infrastructure for blockchain mass-adoption, with innovations including but not limited to:
Our product will use the wallet authentication infrastructure Web3Auth, allowing us to provide users with a payment system (i.e. wallet) with low barriers of entry. This payment system uses Web3Auth's encrypted authentication suite and eliminates the need for mnemonic password phrases, thus lowering the threshold for newcomers to enter the Web3 sphere. Users can utilize existing social media accounts to directly manage their keys and can also easily trade for crytopcurrencies with fiat, avoiding the cumbersome KYC process entirely.

4. Keeping the Transaction Process Interesting

We have also added gamification elements to our transaction methods, including capture transactions, social purchases, and sales mapping designs—all of which can improve the long-term retention of NFT consumers. This will also make the transaction process more interactive and captivating, satisfying the marketing needs of brands when they collaborate with our platform.

5. AR Presentation

In terms of presentation method, we have integrated the world's most advanced AR technology. With this, users can interact in the real world with their NFT assets, providing them with a truly immersive NFT experience.

6. 3D Avatars

We will present each user with a unique 3D Avatar, with which we can insert social gamification into the platform, thus boosting user exploration and discovery, elevating their experience in purchasing NFTs, and increasing the platform's stickiness. In fact, we plan to integrate the 3D Avatar with Web3Auth, creating a Universal DID Resolver.

7. Magellan Land: NFT Real Estate

We will launch the Magellan Land feature, in which we will plot land corresponding to the real world on a 3D map and sell them as NFT assets. Owners of these plots can earn fees from each NFT transaction made on their land, pledge land plots, borrow, or sell them. By conveying land ownership to these core users, we can ensure a long-term, binding relationship between them and our platform, creating a sustainable win-win balance.

8. Magellan Run: NFT Accessories

We may launch the Magellan Run feature, in which users can purchase NFT accessories for their 3D Avatar. Once users purchase these NFTs, they will be able to earn perks within the platform by conducting real-life activities related to the NFT. For example, a user may purchase NFT running shoes for their 3D Avatar, and will earn Magellan Run perks when they run, walk, ride a bike, or conduct other forms of physical activity. This will encourage users to explore and interact with their NFT offline, perpetuate more transactions within the platform, and encourage long-term active users.

Our Mission

To construct a real-world metaverse on a globally-shared 3D map using NFTs, LBS, and AR technology.

How Users Purchase NFT Assets

For NFT assets being sold for the first time, there will be two methods of purchase

1. Purchases based on geographic location:
To be eligible to purchase an NFT, users will need to physically arrive at a specified location. Available NFT assets in the area will be displayed around the user's avatar in Magellan's 3D map, where they can then select the NFT and enter the app's "capture" interface. By expending enough Solana coins, users can obtain a "capture ball", which they will utilize to capture the NFT. Once captured, the NFT asset will have been successfully purchased by the user.

2. An off-the-shelf purchase: Similar to traditional online retailers, users can expend diamonds within the app interface to purchase available NFT products. Note: The probability of a successful capture and expected price will be conveyed in smart contracts.

Note: The probability of a successful capture and expected price will be conveyed in smart contracts.

For assets that have already circulated the NFT market previously, there will be three methods of purchase:

1. Purchases based on interactions between 3D avatars:
The Magellan app's 3D map will display other users in the same area, and they will subsequently be able to click into each other's avatar to view their NFT assets. The user can request to purchase an NFT from someone else and once in agreement, use Solana to settle the transaction.

2. Purchases through the in-app decentralized marketplace using Solana.

3. Purchases made out-of-app in market-backed decentralized marketplaces.

The First-Time Sale of an NFT Asset

There will be two selling methods for NFTs being sold for the first time:

1. The mystery box method: Each mystery box will have an expected price (however, there is probable variation in the geographic location of each transaction, and therefore may result in a difference between the actual and expected prices of the NFT). Once the user opens the mystery box, they will be in possession of an NFT asset. The rarity of the NFT will have been disclosed in a smart contract, agreed upon prior to the transaction.

2. A specified NFT asset, in which all its information and descriptions are provided, is sold at a set or auction price.

How Users Sell Their NFT Assets

Users can sell NFTs through the following two methods:

1. Sales through the in-app decentralized marketplace, which uses Solana as its transaction currency
·  Supports one-price sales in an off-the-shelf secondary market
·  Supports auctions in an off-the-shelf secondary market
·  Supports sales based on geographic location (where users may indicate where on the 3D map they wish to sell their assets)

2. Sales made out-of-app in market-backed decentralized marketplaces

How We Profit

Our three major sources of profit in Version 1.0 are as follows:

1. We charge a 2.5% transaction fee on the Magellan app. Users and partners can create NFTs for free anytime.

2. If we collaborate with a creator (including offline brands, artists, designers, etc.) on an NFT asset, we will collect a percentage of profits from its initial sale.

3. If we collaborate on an NFT and it appears in an out-of-app market transaction, we will collect a percentage of royalties.

Future sources of profit will include:

1. Once Magellan Land launches, we will auction off land plots

2. Once Magellan Land launches, we will charge a rate per transaction made on the plot

Potential sources of profit may include:

1. Services dedicated to professional NFT creators

2. Once Magellan Run launches, we will auction off virtual sporting accessories for user avatars

3. Once Magellan Run launches, we will charge a rate per transaction made on said virtual sporting accessories




Project pre-research



Project pre-research


Version 1.0 launch on iOS and Android markets


Initial launch of NFT assets


Launch a one-stop NFT solution for brands


Magellan Land launch


Optimize trading systems, support more external crypto wallets, expand the 3D avatar function to align with all Web3 services and the DID authentication system



Support more public blockchains

Summary of Version 2.0's Platform Features:

1. Increased usability

2. Innovative tradable assets

3. Prioritize going mobile